Southern Spokes
After 2 months and 2800 miles, we were finally home and ready for a nice long rest. Or were we? Less than a week later, we were back on the bikes and heading south. Follow along with the next leg of…
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December 22nd, 2021 - December 23rd, 2021
We woke up early and, once again, rushed to eat all our remaining perishable food before setting out. Maybe some day we'll learn to buy a little less. En route to the train station, we stopped at Vito's Bakery for some more snacks. After only a few more miles of biking, we arrived at the Amtrak station with plenty of time to spare before departure. The Miami to Wilmington train is a very, very…
Read moreDecember 21st, 2021
Today was our final off-day before heading back home to Delaware. The day started out with a bit more excitement. Camille had an interview for a GIS position with the city of Wilmington scheduled at 9 am. By 10:30 am the interview had wrapped up and we set out for some errands and fun. First, we drove back to Homestead and the Robert is Here food stand. In our rush on the last visit, we'd skipped…
Read moreDecember 20th, 2021
We were stranded in Everglades City without bikes or any public transit options so in the morning, we set out to find a rental car. Camille reserved a rental car from Enterprise in Marcos Island, just over 20 miles away. We were hoping they'd come to pick us up, but the drive was too far. After a few calls, we found a taxi company. Dewan picked us up in a black SUV around 10:30 am and drove us to…
Read moreDecember 19th, 2021
Today started pleasantly enough with a predawn stroll to 7-11 for some breakfast and coffee (on the house). Back in the hotel, we spent some time discussing our route for the day. We'd originally planned to take the ferry from Key West to Marco Island, but that ferry didn't run until January. Fort Myers Beach is a fair bit further north and we hadn't yet decided on how to update our route. On…
Read moreDecember 18th, 2021
We woke up pretty early in Bahia Honda hoping to get a lot of biking in during the cool morning air. We packed up camp pretty excitedly, feeling plenty of fresh bites from the no-see-ums. Just after dawn, we were on the road biking again through the keys. The route felt pretty similar to what we'd experienced the last couple days with stretches on the shoulder of Route 1, some separate pathways…
Read moreDecember 17th, 2021
We woke up to the roaring wind a few times during the night and took a midnight stroll. In the morning, we woke just before sunrise and enjoyed sun rays peeking through thick clouds over the ocean. Sitting right by the water while eating breakfast was a wonderful way to start the morning. We packed up to get on the road just as the camp host arrived to paint the picnic tables. Martin asked us how…
Read moreDecember 16th, 2021
We woke up around 6 am and started the day with coffee and breakfast sandwiches from a nearby cafe. Breakfast in hand, we walked down to the end of the street and sat on the dock in our host's community's private beach. The wind was blowing pretty hard and sloshing water up near our feet. Clouds covered the horizon, so we never did see the sunrise, but it was a peaceful way to start the day. We…
Read moreDecember 15th, 2021
We'd intended to wake up around 5:30, but struggled a bit and only fully got up 6:30-ish. After coffee, hygiene, packing and foolishly trying to finish the rest of the perishable food we didn't walk out the door until 7:30. Biking out of Miami was a bit stressful. The traffic was pretty crazy and for the first couple miles we were either on the shoulder of roads or side walks in the midst of the…
Read moreDecember 14th, 2021
Today was an off-day in Miami. Camille woke first and walked to a nearby local grocery store to pick up food. The rest of the morning was pretty lazy as we relaxed and caught up on computer time. We'd booked kite surfing lessons in the afternoon at 2 pm on Key Biscayne. Around noon, we left the AirBnb where we were staying and biked across the causeway. There were nice wide bike lanes along the…
Read moreDecember 13th, 2021
Today had a very similar vibe to a lot of recent days, starting with a bit of back tracking and then cycling along the barrier islands. We enjoyed more of the large lizards from yesterday and some nice views cycling along the intra-coastal waterway. At Fort Lauderdale Beach / Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, the beach seemed really nice and there were a fair number of beach goers already relaxing. We…
Read moreDecember 12th, 2021
We started the day with a pair of phone calls to catch up with family. First there was a call with Camille's family including her parents, Auntie Malou, Uncle Duane and Tita Marlene. Next, we had another call with Greg's parents and sister Erika. It was great to catch up with everyone. Once on our way, we were quickly back on the barrier islands. Right at the start we noticed a ton of large…
Read moreDecember 11th, 2021
We set out 9:30-ish by retracing our route back north and crossing onto South Hutchinson Island. Everything seemed really clean, well manicured and well planned and we enjoyed cycling through multiple rotaries. There wasn't too much interesting scenery along this stretch with woods on either side again blocking our view of the water, but we did get to share the bike lane with runners participating…
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