Bedford, MA to Kingston, NH
Our planned route had us on roads, but we ended up chasing some cyclists into the forest on an unpaved path that went along ample green spaces. Late morning, we met Greg's cousin Katie and her partner…
In the morning, we shared breakfast with Uncle Mark, Aunt Judy, Linsday and Isla, discussing our plans for the next few days. We're looking forward to seeing everyone again in December. We set out expecting a 40-mile day, but we made the same mistake with Google estimates again. The actual route we followed was closer to ~65 miles. Oops.
Early in the morning, we wandered around Exeter and arrived at the shore near Portsmouth, NH. We were so excited to see the ocean that we laid down under a shady tree, watching the crashing waves and catching glimpses of the nearby airshow overhead. We followed the coastline for most of the day with breathtaking views of rocky beaches and cute coastal towns. Two more times we stopped for longer breaks, once to explore the historic Strawberry Banke and again for groceries, snacks & delicious gelato at the Golden Harvest, a cute market in Kittery, ME. As dusk arrived, so did we at our campsite in Moody Beach, but not before another round of ice cream across the street.