Toronto, ON to Hamilton, ON<!-- --> | <!-- -->Greg & Camille Go Bike

October 11th, 2021

It was time to leave Toronto. We cried our eyes out having to leave Greens.

We set out from The Jane biking down to the shore, briefly stopping at the Toronto Music Garden before continuing on the paved bikeways out of the city. Our route took us through many parks, all full of families enjoying the Canadian Thanksgiving Day holiday. It was great to see all the excitement, but dodging all the crowds definitely slowed us down and grew a bit tiresome as the day progressed.

As we approached Hamilton (our destination for the day), our route called for crossing a bridge that appeared to be out. Both Google and OpenStreetMaps wanted to route us through an almost 10-mile detour, but we managed to find another path climbing a steep hill through the nearby botanical gardens.  We were barely moving again before we reached another impediment; we were routed down an absurdly tall set of stairs. With some sweat, exhaustion, and a lot of time, we managed to carry the bikes and our gear all the way to the bottom.

Just before dusk, we arrived with at the home of our Warmshowers hosts, Sarah and Jeff. We shared some pizza with Sarah and cleaned up before sharing an evening walk around the area.  A friend’s doggy Stella joined, and we explored the Hamilton waterfront, meeting Theo the Tugboat before heading back and turning in for the night. We fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows.