Sealevel, NC to Jacksonville, NC
We were both awake, chatting and packing up well before dawn. We took a break to enjoy the sunrise over the water just a few feet from our campsite. It was stunning. We snacked a bit, finished packing…
Today didn't start out that well but it ended up being a great day. We woke up early and tried to leave Jacksonville before the rush hour traffic. We didn't get out the door quite as early as expected and we were only on the road a little before 7 am. We started the day with several hours biking alongside reasonably heavy traffic, although mostly with a wide shoulder to keep us safe.
Passing over the bridge to Topsail Island, the view was absolutely beautiful. Just after the bridge we decided to stop and talk for a bit. We'd both started the day pretty grumpy and decided that our current timeline and pace had been leaving us tired, rushed, anxious and grumpy. We decided to slow down and commit to only Charleston (rather than Savannah) before Thanksgiving. We decided to stay the night just a bit further on down Topsail Island in Surf City.
We rented an Air B&B and were lucky to get an early check in. After dropping our stuff off, we explored the town a little and spent the afternoon on the beach. On the way home we stopped for groceries and Camille cooked some delicious food; sweet potato gnocchi and veggies; an egg and veggie bake; and delicious cottage cheese pancakes with jelly.