Hunting Island, SC to Savannah, GA
We were camped only a couple minutes from the water and could hear the waves crashing all night. We woke up while it was still fully dark and walked to the beach, enjoying the sight of a slender…
We started out the day with breakfast at the hotel before heading for a walk down by the river front. Originally, we had intended to ride the ferry across the river and back, getting dropped off at the end of River Street, but after waiting 15 minutes behind a crowd of school children, there narrowly wasn't enough room for us on the ferry. Rather than wait 30 minutes for the ferry to complete a full circuit, we decided to just explore the street on foot.
We walked a half mile down the brick road occasionally peaking into shops lining the street. We stopped at Savannah Candy Kitchen for some gelato and pralines. Elsewhere we found a few nice post cards. After taking in our fill of the sights, we returned to the hotel and packed up leaving just before the 11am checkout.
The road out of Savannah was really beautiful. There were huge old trees well integrated into and creating a canopy over many streets and more than a few green spaces in the middle of city squares. Apparently there were originally 24 squares with 22 still preserved today. We passed through Forsyth Park and were treated to some musicians along the way.
Leaving the city, we followed a very wide bike lane through low density neighborhoods. As we progressed, traffic gradually became lighter and lighter and there were stretches with very few cars. Eventually, we turned onto the shoulder of the highway for a short stretch but were treated with a massive shoulder. After some of the highway sections in South Carolina, we felt like we were riding in luxury.
We stopped for groceries along the route and reviewed our options for the night. There was roughly a 40 mile dead zone with no available lodging and rather than trying to rush it before sundown, we decided to accept a very short day. Tomorrow would have to be a very long day to get back on track, but we both felt okay with it.
After checking into a hotel, we relaxed for a bit (escaping what had felt like excessive heat) and walked down the street to do laundry and get more groceries. At night, we enjoyed some computer time and watched our friends back home give Chomsky Day presentations.