Lake Worth, FL to Boca Raton, FL<!-- --> | <!-- -->Greg & Camille Go Bike

December 12th, 2021

We started the day with a pair of phone calls to catch up with family. First there was a call with Camille's family including her parents, Auntie Malou, Uncle Duane and Tita Marlene. Next, we had another call with Greg's parents and sister Erika. It was great to catch up with everyone.

Once on our way, we were quickly back on the barrier islands. Right at the start we noticed a ton of large lizards much bigger than the ones we'd seen scampering underfoot elsewhere in Florida. They were likely a foot and a half long and did not seem at all intimidated by our presence. No one else on the path seemed to even notice them. Continuing on, we biked through South Palm Beach. The area seemed extremely wealthy, maybe second to only Jupiter Island so far this trip.

Despite the wealth, the bicycle infrastructure was not great along here with a long stretch featuring no side walks and minimal to no shoulder. At one point, Greg had a near accident bouncing off a bush hanging into the road. He barely retained control of the bike while a car hovered over his shoulder eager to pass.

Shaken by the experience, we continued on for a few miles but stopped at a bench by the nature center at Delray Beach. We snacked and just sat there people watching and enjoying the nice weather for at least an hour, likely longer. We decided to make it a short day and booked a hotel only 5 miles down the road in Boca Raton (with still 50 miles left to Miami). We stopped at a nearby Publix to pick up dinner and then checked into the hotel.