Off-day in Haileah, FL<!-- --> | <!-- -->Greg & Camille Go Bike

December 21st, 2021

Today was our final off-day before heading back home to Delaware. The day started out with a bit more excitement. Camille had an interview for a GIS position with the city of Wilmington scheduled at 9 am. By 10:30 am the interview had wrapped up and we set out for some errands and fun.

First, we drove back to Homestead and the Robert is Here food stand. In our rush on the last visit, we'd skipped their famous milkshakes so we made sure to try some out this time.Greg picked guanabana while Camille decided on black sapote. Both were delicious. Behind the main building we were surprised to find pens with an assortment of animals. How had we missed them on our last visit? There were parrots, goats, geese, ducks, an emu and a couple oxen.

Back inside, we picked up several guanabana, a black sapote, 2 canastelle along with some other goodies and were excited to have Robert himself check us out! He told us about his childhood experiences starting the stand and his frustrations that agriculture is leaving the area only to be replaced by cheap cookie-cutter development. It was particularly interesting to hear his perspective on why so many local farmers had failed, being undercut by imported goods but not willing to adapt and become a more unique or premium brand.

After leaving the farm stand, we drove back to Miami for some errands and dinner at Vegan Cuban Cuisine. After dropping off the rental car and a long walk, we were back to the hotel for the night. We enjoyed a pleasant call with Greg's parents and sister, before packing up and heading to bed.